
The uniqueness of SMART amp

TIt has been quite a while since I published my last post. It was all caused by really significant changes in my personal and professional life; but this blog is not about my personal life so let's not delve into details. Beneficially, I had a lot of time to think about ways of using SMART amp and its pedagogy, so I have eventually come up with ideas why it is so different and how else we can use it. Bear in mind, that I am fully aware that I'm quite possibly re-brewing somebody else's ideas; and apologise to the possibly affected ones.

Most of digital material that has been so far created operated in a linear and, obviously logical way. Needless to say, that it is very often more chronological. In any presentation or teaching material we have an idea of how particular slides are related and we have lesson steps planned. Obviously, there is always enough space for unexpected surprises but these can be quite easily predicted.

SMART amp, on the other hand, allows us create a workspace in which we can search for fact, discover different resources and compete tasks in a quite random fashion.The word ‘random’ should probably replaced by the word ‘self-paced’. Thus, if start our learning from the centre of the workspace, we gradually build-up and expand our learning circle. The way we discover the workspace and acquire the information is upon our own needs, interests, or even momentary mood. What I extremely intriguing is the fact that this workspace circle can be surrounded by a vast number other workspaces overlapping the concept at the particular border of the actual workspace. These workspaces can be easily accessed via links. In case you are not sure what I meant, see the diagrams below.

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