
Experience with SMART amp

Story Three

You can be creative anywhere. No matter if it´s on your desktop or a piece of paper.

This story is going to be quite short, kind of foreshadowing of the next story. Anyway, it is a very important one because it proves that using state-of-art software and technology. The students were simply asked to pick another celebrity from a different walk of life and write a short story about them following a few musts I had told them. At the end of the lesson as they were handing in their assignment I took a photo of them. I must point out that it was a lovely lesson in which we were using paper dictionaries, asked and answered lots of questions, and occasionally searched for something online.

At the end of the lesson they asked me if I could tell them what my cunning plan was.:-) How much they know me :-)

Right after the lesson I put all assignments into a new workspace, which took me not more than five minutes.

Do you know now where I was heading? :-)

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